In Medias Res: a Celebration of the Odyssey Project's Student Journal


Nov 3, 2021




Open to the public

Place the 2021 In Medias Res Odyssey Project Journal Cover Page 731x1024

Join us virtually on Wednesday, November 3, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. for the launch of the 2021 In Medias Res, a journal of The Odyssey Project

Illinois Humanities is thrilled to celebrate the launch of the latest issue of In Medias Res, a journal of creative written and visual work by Odyssey Project students and alumni.

Contributors will read from their published work alongside celebrated Chicago author, Sahar Mustafah, whose recent novel The Beauty of Your Face (Norton, 2020) was listed as one of the New York Times Most Notable Books of 2020.

We are proud to be able to showcase Odyssey Project alumni, who are both established and emerging Chicago-based writers and artists, in this public and joyful forum.

The organizing theme of this issue of In Medias Res is “Place” and asks us to consider the ways the ongoing pandemic has challenged us to consider our relationships to geography, location, distance, home, work, and identity.

Download the 2021 edition of In Medias Res and view its Digital Companion Guide here.