Growing Up X
A Road Scholar Program by Erika Holst
Oct 8, 2025
Sandwiched between the much larger Baby Boomer and Millennial generations, the members of Generation X (those born between 1965-1980) have variously been called the “middle child generation,” the “slacker generation,” the “MTV generation,” the “latchkey generation,” and “the least parented, least nurtured generation in U.S. history.”
With minimal adult supervision in their lives, this generation’s childhood toys, technology, and media had an outsized role in their development.
This presentation takes close look at toys, technology, and cultural touchstones that informed the development of Generation X.
Holst will dig into the social, cultural, and historical factors behind the conditions and objects that surrounded this generation in everyday life, including the rise of divorce and single parent families; the low-grade existential fear produced by the Cold War; the war on drugs and the AIDS crisis.
Audiences may share their memories of this unique time in history while gaining insights and engaging in cross-generational discussions.
This event is Free and Open to the public. For more information, please contact Conal McNamara at
Learn more about Erika Holst, this program, and how to book it here.