A Visit With Dolley Madison
A Road Scholar Program by Barbara Kay
Nov 8, 2022
Open to the public
The lives and roles of our nation’s first ladies have always fascinated Americans. Unfortunately, some people only know the myths surrounding these women and few know the actual stories or the impact they had.
This is true of Dolley Madison. She did more than just save a portrait of George Washington. Her actions during the War of 1812 helped shape the role for future first ladies.
In first person and in costume, I will portray Dolley Madison and tell the story of her life with an emphasis on the War of 1812, accompanied by audience involvement. The future state of Illinois had its fair share of fights and battles.
People will see that this war gave rise to new towns and early Illinois leaders got their start in public service during the war. Dolley Madison helped her husband lead a divided nation as not everyone in 1812 supported the war or liked the president -very similar to today’s political climate.
This event is Free and Open to the public. For more information, please contact Grace Watylyk at gwatylyk@brookfieldlibrary.info.
Learn more about Barbara Kay, this program, and how to book it.
Left: Portrait of Dolley Madison
Right: Barbara Kay as Dolley Madison from whatsmylineage.blogspot.com